-- 天氣
我的福地 | 世界在深圳 ①

我的福地 | 世界在深圳 ①

責任編輯:趙桐曲 2023-11-22 11:43:20 來源:香港商報網


 How do expatriates live their life and start a business in Shenzhen? What is Shenzhen like in their eyes? “The World in Shenzhen” will share with you their Shenzhen stories.

 本集講述巴西的商人蒂亞戈·費雷拉(Tiago Ferreira)遇到意大利的設計師薩拉·比安卡西奧(Sara Biancaccio)的傳奇。他們在這裏結婚,共同經營起一家酒吧、一家蛋糕店、一所足球培訓學院,感慨「幸運地來到了正確的地方」。他們說深圳就像一塊磁鐵,很難與它分離或割捨。這裏是一片充滿機遇的地方,來了你就成了深圳人。

 This episode will follow the saga of Brazilian businessman Tiago Ferreira who became romantically involved with Italian designer Sara Biancaccio in Shenzhen. The couple tied the knot here, and run a bar, a bakery and a soccer training academy together in the city. They exclaim to have made the right choice to come to Shenzhen, a city like a magnet that it’s hard for them to part with. This is a place filled with opportunities, and you’ll become a Shenzhener after you arrive here.

責任編輯:趙桐曲 我的福地 | 世界在深圳 ①


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