How do expatriates live their life and start a business in Shenzhen? What is Shenzhen like in their eyes? 「The World in Shenzhen」 will share with you their Shenzhen stories.
本集講述來自意大利的利奧納多· 保羅(Leonardo De Palo)高齡當創客的傳奇。他2012年來到深圳,從事工程技術工作,深入到傳說中的華強北,點燃起創業的激情,開啟了小型機械人的研發工作。「這是令人難以置信的!華強北一條街就可以找到所需的一切。深圳是一個現代化的城市,機會很多。中國真的太好了!」
This episode will follow the saga of Italian Leonardo De Palo who becomes a maker at a senior age. He arrived in Shenzhen in 2012 and worked as an engineer. His visits to Huaqiangbei, a big name for makers across the world, inspired his entrepreneurship dream and he started research and development of small robots. 「This is an incredible place. You will find basically everything you need here in Huaqiangbei. Shenzhen is a modern metropolis full of opportunities. China is great.」