縣域內「山、海、林、田、湖、江、草、濕」構成完整的生態系統,霸王嶺國家熱帶雨林 公園森林覆蓋率超96%,王下鄉成功入選全國第二批「綠水青山就是金山銀山」創新實踐基地。
Mountains and sea are connected with each other, dotted with kapok flower, creating a picturesque scenery.
Within the county,“mountains, seas,forests, fields, lakes rivers grass, and wet”constitute a complete ecosystem. The forest coverage rate of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park (Bawangling Section) exceeds 96%. The rural town of Wangxia has successfully been selected as the second batch of national innovative practice bases of“Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets” .